The Peculiar: Odd Tales for Odd People
The Peculiar is a series of tales that provide a short, sharp punch to the guts. Whether these stories are dealing with the pure, the nasty, the uncomfortable, the enlightened or the downright abysmal, nothing is ever as it seems. Anything can happen in The Peculiar. Subscribe for your regular dose of the unusual, the uncanny and the unbelievable. Contact us: thepeculiaroddtales@gmail.com
The Peculiar: Odd Tales for Odd People
Late Night Pizza
Tiny Head
Season 1
Episode 6
Paul and Mary have hooked up and spent the night together. Now it's 2am and Mary has ordered a pizza to be delivered. But there is much more than just pizza on the menu.
Mary - Debbie Neilson
Paul - Mitch Wright
Written and directed: Frank Leggett
Edited: Frank Leggett
Music: Maryanne Slavich
Recorded: John Cobbin, Moonlight Studios